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The Richard and Elaine Williams Legacy scholarship program evolved from the Thousand Oaks Arts Festival that was staged for thirteen years at the Mary and Richard Carpenter Park on the grounds in front of the Civic Arts Plaza. The festival celebrated the visual and performing arts as a “free to the public” event held over a weekend each September from 2004 to 2016. It also featured a “Children’s Art Experience” that provided the opportunity for supervised playing of musical instruments provided by the New West Symphony under supervision by their musicians and the creation of  “Take Home” visual art pieces supervised by ArtTrek instructors. For a number of years it even had a Shakespeare workshop with children acting scenes from his plays.

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When the festival event ended after the 2016 and all expenses were paid, monies still remained in the bank account that had accumulated over the years. The ACCV continues to sponsor this important program to this day and provides a scholarship for emerging student artists in the Conejo Valley.

$500 - $2,500 AWARDS

4 Scholarships will be awarded for Visual Arts


4 Scholarships will be awarded for Performing Arts

(Vocal, Instrumental, Dance and Acting)

This competition is only for high school seniors, college freshmen, and college sophomores.

The entry deadline is Thursday May 8th, 2025


Winners will receive awards ranging from $500 - $2,500, paid directly to the college they plan to attend in the fall of 2025. In addition to completing this application, please send your arts teacher recommendation to


Winners Reception at the Thousand Oaks Hillcrest Center will be held on

Sunday, June 8th 3PM to 5PM

at the Hillcrest Center for the Arts

Located at: 403 W Hillcrest Dr, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Application Information


Eligibility and Entry Requirements for
Visual Artists

  • Legal Resident of the Greater Conejo Valley.

  • Current High School Seniors through College Sophomores are eligible.

  • Applicant must be currently enrolled or planning to enroll in a Fine Arts program at an accredited institution of higher learning.

  • Images of artwork must be submitted with the application and must be original and created by the applicant.

  • Applicant may optionally include a letter of recommendation from a current or former art teacher or director.

  • 250 to 500-word personal statement highlighting their awards, activities and future goals that set them apart. This statement should also detail their artistic studies, including workshops, classes, private and other relevant training.

  • Agreement to the Liability Release.

Eligibility and Entry Requirements for
Performing Artists

  • Legal Resident of the Greater Conejo Valley.

  • Current High School Seniors through College Sophomores are eligible.

  • Applicant must be currently enrolled or planning to enroll in a Performing Arts program at an accredited institution of higher learning.

  • Work submitted must be performed by the applicant and must be submitted via a YouTube link and must be one single shot (no editing please).  If password protected, please include password on your application.

  • Applicant may optionally include a letter of recommendation from a current or former performing art teacher or director.

  • 250 to 500-word personal statement highlighting their awards, activities and future goals that set them apart. This statement should also detail their performing arts studies, including workshops, classes, private and other relevant training.

  • Agreement to the liability release.

Applicants will be judged by local artists on their submitted work, along with all required statements and letters, by professional artists in the appropriate designated fields. Applicants will be notified in writing or by phone as to their acceptance. The Legacy Scholarship Winners will be presented with their awards at a reception event scheduled for Sunday June 8th, 2025. Winners will be presented on the ACCV Website and YouTube Channel.

Send questions and recommendations to: 

Arts Council of the Conejo Valley
403 W. Hillcrest Blvd. Thousand Oaks, CA  91360

Google Phone: 1 (323) 763-1424

Richard & Elaine Williams Legacy Scholarship Committee Email:

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© Copyright Arts Council of the Conejo Valley - The Voice of the Arts. A registered 501(c)(3) organization
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